  • [영어영작]솔로가 커플보다 좋은 이유는
    There are many reasons why solos are better than couples. Couples can of course have a better side than singles. But if you're single, you'll be able to relate enough to the following: The first is that personal time is guaranteed. If you are a couple, you have to spend a lot of time dating your lover. You have to plan a date before you go on a date. You have to make plans for what to eat,
    2020-06-09 | 1,000원 | 3p | 영어 영작 에세이 커플 솔로   [영어영작]솔로가 커플보다 좋은 이유는
  • [마케팅] GS 25의 마케팅 전략
    해외에 유학 보낸 쓸쓸한 기러기족, 노년기에 배우자와 헤어지게 된 황혼 싱글 등 옆구리가 허전한 고연령층 싱글족도 마케팅 대상에 포함 ;답답 ;심심 ;출출Han Solo는 GS25에 갑니다. SOLO라서 행복해요! GS25 -> 젊은 층 싱글족을 주 타겟으로 한 신개념 편의점 , 편의점 이상의 문화, 생활 공간.
    2010-09-08 | 3,000원 | 41p | 마케팅 GS 전략   [마케팅] GS 25의 마케팅 전략
  • 영문 Limbo 림보 영화 대사
    you never can tell Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Today is a special day for me. I know its a special one for all of you too. This is my last appearance with Randy Mason and the Pipeline. Ill be continuing my run as a solo performer at the Golden Nugget. Randy will be rapidly sinking... ...back into the relative obscurity he so richly deserves. The time weve spent together has seemed
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 림보 영문   영문 Limbo 림보 영화 대사
  • 영문 HUDSON HAWK 허드슨 호크 영화 대사
    solo. Solo! The apprentices scurry out. Mind reeling, Da Vinci turns his back to the viewer, before a wall of frescoes. DA VINCI Lho fatto. Spinning back around, using the edge of his cloak, Da Vinci pulls out the large gleaming crystal with a pop. INT. DA VINCIS WORKSHOP With an accompanying blast of smoke, Da Vinci bursts through some double doors into his workshop, sadly reflecting upon the cr
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 호크   영문 HUDSON HAWK 허드슨 호크 영화 대사
  • 영문 CHARADE 샤레이드 영화 대사
    eat. The finger tightens around the trigger and finally the gun shoots -- a stream of water arcs, with unerring aim, straight into REGGIEs face. 7. ANOTHER ANGLE Including JEAN-LOUIS, a French boy of six or so. REGGIE looks at him sternly. JEAN-LOUIS (in for trouble) Oh, la. REGGIE Dont tell me you didnt know it was loaded. (calling) Sylvie! 8. WIDER ANGLE SYLVIE GAUDET, French, attractive, bl
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 샤레이드   영문 CHARADE 샤레이드 영화 대사
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